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第一段文字,很客觀,的確在這個資訊爆炸的時代,能抓住人眼球的東西太多,但瞬間又被後進的資訊所覆蓋,能長久停留在心中的少之又少,這對克魯斯是有利的,因為根本沒人有時間或願意花時間去討厭他,這地球上糟心的事兒太多太多了,揪著陳谷子爛芝麻和你八竿子打不著的事兒不放多少顯得有些不合時宜。其中有一句說克魯斯desperate to be liked,也很客觀,他從小缺乏來自父親的愛,即便他和母親姐妹一起自始至終是個很親密的家庭,他所獲得的愛也是有缺陷的,童年經歷在一個人的性格養成中起了非常大的作用,所以有再多人愛他,他還是處於缺愛狀態,所以他不覺得替人簽名2個多小時是件多麽不堪忍受的事。83-84年的一個訪談中他直接就說crave for attention,我覺得這一點他到現在也沒變,當然他希望有人關註的時候得到關註想保留私密的時候不受打擾,這要求不過分,但多少有些自私。


It no longer matters whether you like or dislike Tom Cruise: no matter how good he looks in his ultra-moisturized, deal-with-the-devil skin, his ship has sailed not just into the waters of middle age, but beyond them. Always a performer desperate to be liked, Cruise has entered a new era, one of potential irrelevance, which could be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. In a world where we’re all either captivated or annoyed by TikTok, freaked out about global warming and the loss of a woman’s right to choose, and trying to coax recalcitrant relatives into getting vaccinated, it’s not even worth the effort to dislike him. And that, if you’re a person who has never liked Tom Cruise, frees you to enjoy the myriad over-the-top pleasures of Top Gun: Maverick.

Love Tom Cruise or hate him, he’s the only one we’ve got; his particular set of qualities have no equal. The day he stops needing to prove himself will be like the day a lion loses the will to roar. And only a cruel person would rejoice in that.