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壹舍動態 | 壹舍設計新辦公室榮獲2022 AMP美國建築大師獎


近日,2022 AMP美國建築大師獎(The Architecture MasterPrize)獲獎名單揭曉。壹舍設計新辦公室從全球眾多參賽作品中脫穎而出,成功斬獲WORKPLACES INTERIOR類別WINNER大獎!




The New Office of One House Design


美國建築大師獎(The Architecture MasterPrize)前身為AAP建築獎,立誌成為業內最有威望的賽事之一,並為全球建築和設計行業樹立新的標桿。該賽事旨在表彰全球最優秀、最具創意的的建築、室內和景觀計畫,展現和宣傳傑出的設計人才,並突出建築藝術及科學對於豐富我們日常生活的意義。



方磊 & 壹舍設計



Mr. Fang Lei, a renowned interior designer, the pioneer of modern minimalist design, the guide of urban elite’s life style, is also the founder of One House Design.

In recent years, Mr. Fang has won multiple domestic and international interior design awards. Mr. Fang believes that the designer's thinking is the combination of sensibility and rationality, and he is good at using the aesthetic concept of modern simplicity style to develop the multi-dimensional description of space, present the abundant and pure design essence with the method of restraint and balance, the contradiction entity between appearance and internal.

ONE HOUSE DESIGN壹舍設計由方磊建立於2009年,凝聚了一批擁有前瞻性理念、國際化視野的活力團隊。作為集室內設計、軟裝設計、環境設計等一體化的綜合性專業設計公司,壹舍主要從事地產售樓處、樣板間、會所、商業空間、辦公空間、精品酒店等設計計畫,為眾多知名地產商提供至高水準的個人化客製服務。以過硬的專業能力和不懈的探索,積極面對未來與市場的全新考量,致力於當代新人居觀念的啟迪與更新,為設計提供更多可能。

Established in 2009 by Mr. Fang Lei, One House Design has a group of dynamic teams with forward-looking ideas and international vision. As a comprehensive and professional design company integrating interior, environmental and soft-mounted design, One House is mainly engaged in the design projects of real estate's sales center, show flat, club,commercial space, office space, boutique hotel, etc., providing the high-end level and personalized customization services for many well-known real estate developers.

With the excellent design ability and untiring exploration, One House responds and embraces the future and the market actively, is committed to the enlightenment and renewal in the new concept of contemporary human settlements, demonstrating more possibilities for design.