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Thanks! When you are going to travel to Lhasa, here are the basic local customs(當地風俗) and taboos(禁忌) you have to know them in advance:


Number 1: The Tibetans(藏族人) is strictly forbidden to eat donkey, horse and dog meat(禁吃驢肉,馬肉和狗肉), and in some areas they don't eat fish.

Number 2: When encountering temples(寺院), prayer stones(瑪尼堆), pagodas(佛塔) and other religious facilities, you must detour from left to right(從左到右繞行).

Number 3: Do not whistle(吹口哨) in Tibetan homes, They only whistle when sending ghosts.

Number 4: Tibetans don't eat fish as their meal because of special mannerisms(特殊習慣) such as water burial and sky burial(水葬和天葬).

Number 5: In Tibetan homes, you can't cross the Huotang(不能跨越火塘).

Number 6: Generally, taking photos is prohibited in Tibetan Buddhist temples(藏傳佛教寺廟). Remember you shouldn't wear hats and sunglasses when entering temples. Do not touch the Buddha statues in the hall with your hands, and do not point with your fingers!

Number 7: Don't discuss politics(政治) and other sensitive topics with Tibetans!

@知乎美食 @知乎旅行 @知乎生活