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电视广播,用的是公共资源:频段,这个是从政府要来买来的,节目因为是广播,也是面向所有人(general public),所以要向纳税人负责,所以就有这么个无委会(FCC)来管理。


所以 FCC 依宪法第一修正案,禁止任何脏字和渎神的行为(Obscenity, Indecency and Profanity)。如果 FCC 不这样做,一定会有民间组织告它的,而且它八成会败的。

这就好像 80 年代,National Endowment of Art 支持了几个作品,里面大概调侃了耶稣一下,就有很多人不高兴:我们凭什么要出钱让你来侮辱我们的信仰?

但是 FCC 只能管广播节目这样占用公共资源,面向所有人的,观众并无选择。像有线电视,是付费服务,就是说是观众自己花钱选择的,所以理论上观众有自己选择内容的权力,通过购买过程完成,普通美国人不需要也不想 FCC 这样一个国家部门来插手他们的私己决定,就像看电影买票,想看啥是你自己的事,所以 FCC 虽然持相同立场,却不会去执行。

这是 FCC 官网的说法:

With respect to cable and satellite services, Congress has charged the Commission with enforcing the statutory prohibition against airing indecent programming "by means of radio communications." The Commission has historically interpreted this restriction to apply to radio and television broadcasters, and has never extended it to cover cable operators. In addition, because cable and satellite services are subscription-based, viewers of these services have greater control over the programming content that comes into their homes, whereas broadcast content traditionally has been available to any member of the public with a radio or television. The Bureau will shortly identify and furnish contact information for cable or satellite providers so that consumers may contact their providers directly.

http:// transition.fcc.gov/eb/o ip/
