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R= Room attendant 服务员 G = Guest 客人

(3) Too cold food 食物过冷

R: Room service. May I come in? I’ve brought up breakfast.

送餐服务。我 可以进来吗?我送来了您的早餐。

G: (Open the door) Yes, come in. Just put it on the table, please.

(打开门) 请进,放在桌上就行了。

R: (Puts the food on the table) Thank you, sir. Would you please sign this bill?

(把食物放在桌上) 谢谢,先生。请您签了这账单好吗?

G: (Open the cover) Wait! I’ve ordered a continental breakfast, not an iced breakfast, you see, it’s cold!

(打开碟盖) 等等!我要的是欧陆早餐,不是冰冻早餐,你看看,这些食物是凉的!

R: I’m sorry, sir. I’ll return it to the kitchen right away and send you a hot one.

对不起 ,先生,我马上把早餐拿回厨房,再给您送上一份热的。

( Later ) (稍后)

R: Here’s your breakfast, sir. We’re so sorry for our carelessness.


G: (Point to a dessert) What’s that for?

(指这一份甜品) 这是干吗?

R: It’s with our compliments.


G: Thank you.


R: Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy your food.
