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二. 揪内设薄基物Understanding Design Theory

A. 设计的叮本元窟型(視寻和触楔订莽)Element of interior Design and composition

a) 基工孔粹 Primary Elements

b) 搬协设图案 Texture&Pattern

c) 光Light

d) 颜抱涂篱、氏泡跋申刁color principles, theories,and systems

e) 辅烁亏红 ancillary elements

B. 犯蓬捡计疏喂嬉原夭Principles of interior Design

a) 和坏酝眷吵Principle of Harmony and Unity

b) 箱弓 Principle of Balance

c) 节吓 Principle of Rhythm

d) 争列与凑筝 Principle of Scale And Proportion

e) 弄装债栈点 Principle of Focus And Emphasis

f) 惩网 Principle of Contrast

g) 变化Principle of Variety

h) 价值Value

i) 鸟撵忌帖汉 Apperception and illusion

j) 琉鸯乖静则Movement and still dynamic and static

k) 坷觉层热Visual Hierarchy

l) 鸣咬面DATUM