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发SCI,审稿人意见有一条是「English should be improved」,应该怎样回复?


按照我的习惯,一般见到「English should be improved」「this manuscript should be revised by English-speaking colleague 」"It is recommended to revise the full manuscript by colleague who speaks English fluently "等需要提高英语表达的审稿意见,都会礼貌性回复:

  1. Thank you for your advice, we have made meticulous modifications to this manuscript, therefore,the readers may understand our work more clearly. The corrected details are listed as hignlighted in the manuscript.
  2. Thank you for your advice, we have made many modifications based on your proposal as highlighted in the manuscript.
  3. Thank you for your advice, we have asked colleague who speaks English to correct the details in this manuscript and highlighted the modifications.

然后要对全文多处包括语法、时态、量词以及配图中不合适的单词或者图示中的用词进行修改。 有时候会将部分修改内容贴在你的 point-to-point 回复下面。

其实审稿人差不多看到作者栏中是非英语母语的科研人员,都会提出来要「Improve the English」,或者是要求「Article polishing」。甚至有些期刊的编辑会在转发审稿人意见的时候,带上「Article polishing」的要求,并且会告诉你,「We provide professional articles polishing service」...


因为我有时候也在邮箱里看到需要审稿的文章,一般都是国内同行们的学生投稿的时候推荐几位待选审稿人,杂志编辑会随机选择或者另外安排审稿人。我在审稿的时候,一般在最后都会提一句「English should be improved」。 在看到返修的时候,一般也不会太关注这一条的全文改动,更多的是看其他修改意见的完成结果。

图源 J-Gate. How to polish your writing