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Nina Maya Interiors由澳洲設計師Nina Maya Skrzynsk建立於2006年,擅長精致空間的量身客製,以專業、嚴謹、適時的設計而聞名。
Nina Maya Interiors is an Australian contemporary interior design company. Founded in 2006 by designer Nina Maya Skrzynsk, it is known for its tailor-made exquisite spaces and rigorous design methods.

Northbridge Residence
Northbridge住宅位於澳洲的雪梨,是一個翻新計畫,部份由Nina Maya Interiors負責。這棟五層豪宅配置了一個寬敞的遊泳池,使人在室外亦能感受到奢華的感覺。Nina Maya對有機線條和曲線形狀的偏愛是其設計明顯的風格和特征。
Northbridge House is located in Sydney, Australia, and is a renovation project, partially undertaken by Nina Maya Interiors. The five-story mansion has a spacious swimming pool to make it feel luxurious outdoors. Nina Maya's preference for organic lines and curved shapes is evident in the style and character of her designs.

Nina Maya為Northbridge住宅營造了一個清新優雅的室內氛圍,強調家的溫馨感和舒適度。空間品質和建造的魅力相輔相成,客戶將於此享受他們在房間內的每一刻時光。
Nina Maya has created a fresh and elegant interior atmosphere for Northbridge House that emphasizes the warmth and comfort of the home. The quality of the space is complemented by the charm of the building, and the client will enjoy every moment of their stay in the room.

Balmain Residence
Nina Maya為四口之家在雪梨Balmain市中心打造一個可靜修的住宅,這裏能享受到現代海濱別墅的度假感。住宅內部,設計師采用了大理石、木材和金屬等材料進行了空間的建構,創造出一處逃離城市的寧靜之所。
Nina Maya has created a retreat for a family of four in the heart of Balmain, Sydney, which can enjoy the holiday feel of a modern beach house. Inside the house, materials such as marble, wood and metal are used to construct the space, creating a peaceful escape from the city.

精致、簡約、高貴的元素賦予空間以活力,而室內和家具設計師Daniel Boddam的家具在空間中起到了相得益彰的效果。直觀的美感、舒適的造型喚醒某種抒情感,使室內展現出極致優雅的空間氛圍。Delicate, simple and elegant elements animate the space, which is complemented by furniture by interior and furniture designer Daniel Boddam. Intuitive aesthetic feeling and comfortable modeling awaken some kind of emotion, so that the interior shows the ultimate elegant space atmosphere.