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【傲慢與偏見】Chapter 3 (上)閱讀筆記


Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. They attack ed him in various ways; with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions , and distant surmise s; but he elude d the skill of them all; and they were at last obliged to accept the second-hand intelligence of their neighbour Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favourable. Sir William had been delighted with him. He was quite young, wonderfully handsome, extremely agreeable , and to crown the whole , he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party. Nothing could be more delightful! To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley’s heart were entertain ed. ‘If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,’ said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, ‘and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for.’

盡管班納特太太有了五個女兒幫腔,向她丈夫問起彬格萊先生這樣那樣,可是丈夫的回答總不能叫她滿意。母女們想盡辦法對付他——赤裸裸的問句,巧妙的設想,離題很遠的猜測,什麽辦法都用到了;可是他並沒有落入她們的圈套。最後她們迫不得已,只得聽取鄰居盧卡斯太太的二手情報。她的報道全是好話。據說威廉爵士很喜歡他。他非常年輕,長得特別英俊,為人又極其謙和,最重要的一點是,他打算請一大群客人來參加下次的舞會。這真是再好不過的事;喜歡跳舞,無疑就容易墜入愛河;大家都熱烈地希望獲得彬格萊先生的心。 「我只要能看到一個女兒在尼日斐花園幸福地安了家,」班納特太太對她的丈夫說,「看到其他幾個也匹配得這樣門當戶對,此生就沒有別的奢望了。」

1.draw: VERB使回答;使透露訊息;使說出意見

If someone will not be drawn or refuses to be drawn, they will not reply to questions in the way that you want them to, or will not reveal information or their opinion.

E.g. The ambassador would not be drawn on questions of a political nature.


2.attack: VERB(積極地)解決(問題),開展(工作)

If you attack a job or a problem, you start to deal with it in an energetic way.

E.g. Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues.



3.barefaced: ADJ厚顏無恥的;公然的;露骨的

You use bare-faced to describe someone's behaviour when you want to emphasize that they do not care that they are behaving wrongly.

E.g. What bare-faced cheek! 真是厚顏無恥!

4.ingenious: ADJ-GRADED巧妙的;制作精巧的;新穎獨特的

Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.

E.g. a truly ingenious invention 真正有創意的發明

5.supposition: N-COUNT假定;假設;設想

A supposition is an idea or statement which someone believes or assumes to be true, although they may have no evidence for it.

E.g. There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts...


6.surmise: N-VAR猜想;推測;臆測

If you say that a particular conclusion is surmise, you mean that it is a guess based on the available evidence and you do not know for certain that it is true.

E.g. It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.認為博斯在畫這幅畫時腦子裏想著布蘭特的詩,這僅僅是猜測而已。

7.elude: VERB躲避;避開;逃避

If you elude someone or something, you avoid them or escape from them.

E.g. He eluded the police for 13 years. 他躲過了警方抓捕達13年。

8. be obliged to(該詞組很常見,它的幾個意思都很重要):


If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.

E. g. The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot. 暴風雨愈發猛烈,我最終不得不棄車步行。


To oblige someone means to be helpful to them by doing what they have asked you to do.

E.g. If you ever need help with the babysitting, I'd be glad to oblige.


3) CONVENTION感激不盡;不勝感激

People sometimes use obliged in expressions such as 'much obliged' or 'I am obliged to you' when they want to indicate that they are very grateful for something.

E.g. Much obliged for your assistance. 對您的幫助我不勝感激。

4) CONVENTION如蒙…將不勝感激;勞駕…好嗎

If you tell someone that you would be obliged or should be obliged if they would do something, you are telling them in a polite but firm way that you want them to do it.

E.g. I would be obliged if you could read it to us.


9.the second-hand intelligence: 二手情報

10.be delighted with: 對…感到高興;因…而興奮

11. agreeable: ADJ-GRADED親切的;友善的;討人喜歡的

If someone is agreeable, they are pleasant and try to please people.

E.g. sharing a bottle of wine with an agreeable companion. 與友善的同伴共飲一瓶酒

12 . to crown the whole: 最重要的一點是

13.entertain: VERB考慮,心存,懷有(主意、建議等)

If you entertain an idea or suggestion, you allow yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously.

E.g. I feel how foolish I am to entertain doubts.


In a few days Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet’s visit , and sat about ten minutes with him in his library. He had entertained hopes of being admit ted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertain ing from an upper window, that he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse.


http:// 1.in a few days : 這裏的in是指「在(某段時間)之後」

2.return sb's visit

return: VERB回應,報酬(行為或感情)

If you return someone's action, you do the same thing to them as they have just done to you. If you return someone's feeling, you feel the same way towards them as they feel towards you.

3.ascertain: VERB(尤指經過努力後)查明,弄清,確定

If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.

E.g. Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading.


An invitation to dinner was soon afterwards dispatched ; and already had Mrs. Bennet planned the course s that were to do credit to her housekeeping , when an answer arrived which defer red it all. Mr. Bingley was obliged to be in town the following day, and consequently unable to accept the honour of their invitation, &c. Mrs. Bennet was quite disconcerted . She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his arrival in Hertfordshire; and she began to fear that he might be always flying about from one place to another, and never settled at Netherfield as he ought to be. Lady Lucas quiet ed her fears a little by starting the idea of his being gone to London only to get a large party for the ball; and a report soon followed that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the assembly. The girls grieved over such a number of ladies; but were comforted the day before the ball by hearing, that instead of twelve, he had brought only six with him from London, his five sisters and a cousin. And when the party entered the assembly room , it consisted of only five altogether; Mr. Bingley, his two sisters, the husband of the eldest, and another young man.


1. An invitation to dinner was soon afterwards dispatched.

這個句子可以學習一下。表示「班府上不久就發請貼請他吃飯」未必就要亦步亦趨地寫成「Mr Bennet 」為主語的主動態句子,在主體並不重要的時候,用被動語態也是可以的。

2.course : N-COUNT一道菜

A course is one part of a meal.

E.g. The lunch was excellent, especially the first course. 午餐很棒,尤其是第一道菜。

3.do credit to: PHRASE使值得贊揚(或仰慕)

If you say that something does someone credit, you mean that they should be praised or admired because of it.

E.g. You're a nice girl, Lettie, and your kind heart does you credit.


4.housekeeping: N-UNCOUNT料理家務;家政管理

Housekeeping is the work and organization involved in running a home, including the shopping and cleaning.

E.g. I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.


5.an answer arrived

Arrive: VERB被送達;被帶來

When something such as letter or meal arrives, it is brought or delivered to you.

E.g. Any entry arriving after the closing date will not be considered.


6.defer: VERB推遲;拖延;延緩

If you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at a later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time.

E.g. Customers often defer payment for as long as possible.




If you defer to someone, you accept their opinion or do what they want you to do, even when you do not agree with it yourself, because you respect them or their authority.

E.g. Doctors are encouraged to defer to experts. 鼓勵醫生聽從專家的意見。

7.disconcerted : 不安的,驚慌的

having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion

8.fly about : VERB飛舞;飄蕩

If something such as your hair is flying about, it is moving about freely and loosely in the air.

9.quiet : VERB消除,減輕(恐懼);平息(抱怨)

To quiet fears or complaints means to persuade people that there is no good reason for them.

E.g. Music seemed to quiet her anxiety and loneliness.


10.grieve over : VERB(尤指因某人的亡故而)悲痛,悲傷,傷心

If you grieve over something, especially someone's death, you feel very sad about it.

E.g. He's grieving over his dead wife and son. 他因喪妻失子而悲痛不已。

11.assembly room : 禮堂(供會議、社交活動等用)

Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance , and easy , unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion . His brother in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome feature s, noble mien ; and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year. The gentlemen pronounce d him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud, to be above his company , and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding , disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend.


1.countenance: N-COUNT臉龐;面容

Someone's countenance is their face.

E. g. He met each inquiry with an impassive countenance.


2.easy : 自如的;不拘束的

If someone is easy about something, they feel relaxed and confident about it.

E.g. She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before.


3.unaffected: ADJ-GRADED不矯揉造作的;自然的;率真的

If you describe someone as unaffected, you mean that they are natural and genuine in their behaviour, and do not act as though they are more important than other people.

E.g. this unaffected, charming couple 這對率真迷人的夫婦

4.an air of decided fashion

decided : ADJ-GRADED確實無疑的;明白無誤的;明顯的

Decided means clear and definite.

E.g. He's a man of very decided opinions.他是個態度鮮明的人。

air: N-SING神態;感覺;總體印象;氛圍

If you say that someone or something has a particular air, you mean that they give this general impression.

E.g. Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement. 珍妮佛覺得他很風趣。

5.feature: N-PLURAL面容;五官

Your features are your eyes, nose, mouth, and other parts of your face.

E.g. Her features were strongly defined. 她的五官輪廓分明。

6.mien: N-SING儀表;舉止;神態;(尤指)面部表情

Someone's mien is their general appearance and manner, especially the expression on their face, which shows what they are feeling or thinking.

E.g. It was impossible to tell from his mien whether he was offended.


http:// 7.in circulation : PHRASE(貨幣等)流通

If something such as money is in circulation, it is being used by the public.

8.pronounce: VERB宣稱;宣布

9.disgust: N-UNCOUNT厭惡;憎惡

Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.

10.turn the tide of: 推翻了……的觀點

11.above :PREP(因自視甚高)不屑於

If you say that someone thinks they are above something, you mean that they act as if they are too good or important for it.

12.company : 夥伴

13. forbidding: ADJ-GRADED可怕的;令人生畏的

If you describe a person, place, or thing as forbidding, you mean they have a severe, unfriendly, or threatening appearance.

Mr. Bingley had soon made himself acquainted with all the principal people in the room; he was lively and unreserved , danced every dance, was angry that the ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. Such amiable qualities must speak for themselves. What a contrast between him and his friend! Mr. Darcy danced only once with Mrs. Hurst and once with Miss Bingley, declined being introduced to any other lady, and spent the rest of the evening in walking about the room, speaking occasionally to one of his own party. His character was decide d. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and every body hoped that he would never come there again. Amongst the most violent against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike of his general behaviour, was sharpened into particular resentment, by his having slight ed one of her daughters.


1.principal: ADJ首要的;最主要的;最重要的

Principal means first in order of importance.

E.g. The principal reason for my change of mind is this. 這是我改變主意的最主要原因。

2.unreserved: ADJ坦白的;沒有隱瞞的

An unreserved opinion or statement is one that expresses a feeling or opinion completely and without any doubts.

E.g. Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather.


3.amiable : ADJ-GRADED和藹可親的;令人愉悅的

Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be with.

E.g. She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed.


4.speak for: VERB不言而喻

If you say that something speaks for itself, you mean that its meaning or quality is so obvious that it does not need explaining or pointing out.

E.g. the figures speak for themselves — low order books, bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports.


5.walk about : 四處走動,漫步

walk with no particular goal

6.decided: ADJ-GRADED確實無疑的;明白無誤的;明顯的

Decided means clear and definite.

E.g. Her ignorance of the area put her at a decided disadvantage.


7.sharpen : V-ERG(分歧、差異等)加劇;(使)加深;(使)加重

If disagreements or differences between people sharpen, or if they are sharpened, they become bigger or more important.

E.g. With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.


8.slight: VERB不理睬;藐視;輕蔑;冷落

If you are slighted, someone does or says something that insults you by treating you as if your views or feelings are not important.

E.g. They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted.


Elizabeth Bennet had been obliged, by the scarcity of gentlemen, to sit down for two dances; and during part of that time, Mr. Darcy had been standing near enough for her to overhear a conversation between him and Mr. Bingley, who came from the dance for a few minutes, to press his friend to join it.


1.press: VERB催促;敦促;竭力勸說

If you press someone, you try hard to persuade them to do something.

E.g. Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm. 各工會正在竭力勸說他堅定立場。

‘Come, Darcy,’ said he, ‘I must have you dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. You had much better dance.’


1.stand about : 閑站

‘I certainly shall not. You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. At such an assembly as this, it would be insupportable . Your sisters are engaged, and there is not another woman in the room, whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with .’ ‘I would not be so fastidious as you are,’ cried Bingley, ‘for a kingdom! Upon my honour , I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life, as I have this evening; and there are several of them you see uncommonly pretty.’


1.detest: VERB厭惡;憎惡

If you detest someone or something, you dislike them very much.

E.g. My mother detested him. 我母親對他很是厭惡。

2.insupportable : ADJ不能忍受的;難以承受的;無法接受的

If you say that something is insupportable, you mean that it cannot be coped with or accepted.

3.stand up with : v. 給…當儐相

E.g. Jim asked his brother to stand up with him.


E.g. I'm honoured that I stand up with you at your wedding.



4.fastidious :ADJ-GRADED講究的;一絲不茍的;註重細節的

If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order.

E.g. her fastidious attention to historical detail 她對歷史細節的過分關註

5.upon my honour : (old-fashioned) 用人格擔保;以名譽擔保

Used to promise very seriously that you will do sth. or that sth. is true.


1.draw: VERB使回答;使透露訊息;使說出意見

2.attack: VERB(積極地)解決(問題),開展(工作)

3.barefaced: ADJ厚顏無恥的;公然的;露骨的

4.ingenious: ADJ-GRADED巧妙的;制作精巧的;新穎獨特的

5.supposition: N-COUNT假定;假設;設想

6.surmise: N-VAR猜想;推測;臆測

7.elude: VERB躲避;避開;逃避

8. be obliged to(該詞組很常見,它的幾個意思都很重要):



3) CONVENTION感激不盡;不勝感激

4) CONVENTION如蒙…將不勝感激;勞駕…好嗎

9.the second-hand intelligence: 二手情報

10.be delighted with: 對…感到高興;因…而興奮

11. agreeable: ADJ-GRADED親切的;友善的;討人喜歡的

12. to crown the whole: 最重要的一點是

13.entertain: VERB考慮,心存,懷有(主意、建議等)

http:// 14.in a few days : 這裏的in是指「在(某段時間)之後」

15.return sb's visit

return: VERB回應,報酬(行為或感情)

16.ascertain: VERB(尤指經過努力後)查明,弄清,確定

17.course : N-COUNT一道菜

18.do credit to: PHRASE使值得贊揚(或仰慕)

19.housekeeping: N-UNCOUNT料理家務;家政管理

20.an answer arrived

arrive: VERB被送達;被帶來




22.disconcerted : 不安的,驚慌的

23.fly about : VERB飛舞;飄蕩

24.quiet : VERB消除,減輕(恐懼);平息(抱怨)

25.grieve over : VERB(尤指因某人的亡故而)悲痛,悲傷,傷心

26.assembly room : 禮堂(供會議、社交活動等用)

27.countenance: N-COUNT臉龐;面容

28.easy : 自如的;不拘束的

29.unaffected: ADJ-GRADED不矯揉造作的;自然的;率真的

30.an air of decided fashion

decided : ADJ-GRADED確實無疑的;明白無誤的;明顯的

air: N-SING神態;感覺;總體印象;氛圍

31.feature: N-PLURAL面容;五官

32.mien: N-SING儀表;舉止;神態;(尤指)面部表情

Someone's mien is their general appearance and manner, especially the expression on their face, which shows what they are feeling or thinking.

E.g. It was impossible to tell from his mien whether he was offended.


http:// 33.in circulation : PHRASE(貨幣等)流通

If something such as money is in circulation, it is being used by the public.

34.pronounce: VERB宣稱;宣布

35.disgust: N-UNCOUNT厭惡;憎惡

Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.

36.turn the tide of: 推翻了……的觀點

37.above :PREP(因自視甚高)不屑於

If you say that someone thinks they are above something, you mean that they act as if they are too good or important for it.

38.company : 夥伴

39. forbidding: ADJ-GRADED可怕的;令人生畏的

40.principal: ADJ首要的;最主要的;最重要的

41.unreserved: ADJ坦白的;沒有隱瞞的

42.amiable : ADJ-GRADED和藹可親的;令人愉悅的

43.speak for: VERB不言而喻

44.walk about : 四處走動,漫步

45.decided: ADJ-GRADED確實無疑的;明白無誤的;明顯的

46.sharpen : V-ERG(分歧、差異等)加劇;(使)加深;(使)加重

47.slight: VERB不理睬;藐視;輕蔑;冷落

48. press: VERB催促;敦促;竭力勸說

49.stand about : 閑站

50.detest: VERB厭惡;憎惡

51.insupportable : ADJ不能忍受的;難以承受的;無法接受的

52.stand up with : v. 給…當儐相

53.fastidious :ADJ-GRADED講究的;一絲不茍的;註重細節的

If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order.

E.g. her fastidious attention to historical detail 她對歷史細節的過分關註

54.upon my honour : (old-fashioned) 用人格擔保;以名譽擔保

Used to promise very seriously that you will do sth. or that sth. is true.

