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發SCI,審稿人意見有一條是「English should be improved」,應該怎樣回復?


按照我的習慣,一般見到「English should be improved」「this manuscript should be revised by English-speaking colleague 」"It is recommended to revise the full manuscript by colleague who speaks English fluently "等需要提高英語表達的審稿意見,都會禮貌性回復:

  1. Thank you for your advice, we have made meticulous modifications to this manuscript, therefore,the readers may understand our work more clearly. The corrected details are listed as hignlighted in the manuscript.
  2. Thank you for your advice, we have made many modifications based on your proposal as highlighted in the manuscript.
  3. Thank you for your advice, we have asked colleague who speaks English to correct the details in this manuscript and highlighted the modifications.

然後要對全文多處包括語法、時態、量詞以及配圖中不合適的單詞或者圖示中的用詞進行修改。 有時候會將部份修改內容貼在你的 point-to-point 回復下面。

其實審稿人差不多看到作者欄中是非英語母語的科研人員,都會提出來要「Improve the English」,或者是要求「Article polishing」。甚至有些期刊的編輯會在轉發審稿人意見的時候,帶上「Article polishing」的要求,並且會告訴你,「We provide professional articles polishing service」...


因為我有時候也在信箱裏看到需要審稿的文章,一般都是國內同行們的學生投稿的時候推薦幾位待選審稿人,雜誌編輯會隨機選擇或者另外安排審稿人。我在審稿的時候,一般在最後都會提一句「English should be improved」。 在看到返修的時候,一般也不會太關註這一條的全文改動,更多的是看其他修改意見的完成結果。

圖源 J-Gate. How to polish your writing