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  • 对于一个开链机器人,给定一个固定参考系{s}和一个固定于连杆的连杆的坐标系{b}, 该坐标系表示机器人末端。正运动学(forward kinematics)是从关节变量 \theta 到坐标系{b}在坐标系{s}中的位置和方向的映射 T(\theta) 。
  • 开链机器人正运动学的D-H(Denavit{Hartenberg )表示,是从固定于每个连杆的参考坐标系的相对位移描述的,若连杆坐标系标号为{0}, \dots ,{ n+1 },{0}是固定坐标系{s}, { i }是固定于连杆 i 的关节 i(i=1,\dots,n) { n+1 }是末端坐标系{b}, 那么正运动学表示为
  • T_{0,n+1}(\theta)=T_{01}(\theta_1)\ldots T_{n-1,n}(\theta_n)T_{n,n+1}

    这里 \theta_i 表示关节 i 变量, T_{n,n+1} 表明末端坐标系在坐标系{n}中的构型。如果末端坐标系{b}选择与坐标系{n}重合,我们可以省掉坐标系{n+1}.

  • D-H(Denavit{Hartenberg )约定分配给每个连杆的参考坐标系遵循严格的规定。根据规定,连杆坐标系{ i-1 }和{ i }之间坐标系变换只用4个参数进行参数化,即D-H参数。其中三个参数描述运动机构,第4个参数是关节变量。表示两个连杆间的变换需要的最少参数是4个。
  • 正运动学也可以表示成如下的指数积(空间形式)
  • T(\theta)=e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1 }\ldots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M,

    这里 \mathcal S_i=(\omega_i,v_i) 是沿关节 i 正向运动的螺旋轴在固定系坐标{s}中表达, \theta_i 是关节 i 的变量, M\in SE(3) 表示机器人末端坐标系{b}的零位(初始位置)。这不需要分别定义每个连杆坐标系,只需要定义 M 和螺旋轴 \mathcal S_1,\dots, \mathcal S_n 。

  • 指数积公式也可以等效地写为物体坐标系形式
  • T(\theta)=Me^{[\mathcal B_1] \theta_1}\ldots e^{[\mathcal B_2]\theta_n},

    这里 \mathcal B_i=[Ad_{M^{-1}}]S_i, i=1, \dots, n; \mathcal B_i=(\omega_i,v_i) 是关节 i 的螺旋轴在初始状态在坐标系{b}中的表达。

  • 通用机器人描述格式(URDF)是一种文件格式,机器人操作系统(ROS)和其他软件使用它描述机器人的运动学,惯性,视觉特性等信息,这种格式用于一般包含母连杆和子连杆的树形机器人,包括开链机构。
  • 指数积公式的算法实现


  • 一个是空间形式的: T = FKinSpace(M,Slist,thetalist) , 给定末端在初始构型M和螺旋轴Blist在固定坐标系的表达,以及关节变量thetalist,计算末端在固定坐标系的构型。
  • 一个是物体坐标系形式的: T = FKinBody(M,Blist,thetalist) , 给定末端在初始构型M和螺旋轴Blist在物体坐标系的表达,以及关节变量thetalist,计算末端在物体坐标系的构型。
  • 实现代码用到了上一篇博客的刚体运动算法,代码较长,就不放在这里了。下面只列出两个公式的实现代码。代码不断更新迭代,完整的最新源码放在github--链接

    /** * @brief Description: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the * book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control]. * @file: RobotAlgorithmModule.c * @author: LiBing * @date: 2019/03/01 12:23 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. * https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #include "RobotAlgorithmModule.h" #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /** *@brief Description: Computes the end-effector frame given the zero position of the end-effector M, * the list of joint screws Slist expressed in the fixed-space frame, and the list of joint values thetalist. *@param[in] M the zero position of the end-effector expressed in the fixed-space frame. *@param[in] Joint Num the number of joints. *@param[in] Slist the list of joint screws Slist expressed in the fixed-space frame. * in the format of a matrix with the screw axes as the column. *@param[in] thetalist the list of joint values. *@param[out] T the end-effector frame expressed in the fixed-space frame. *@return No return value. *@note: when Slist is a matrix ,make sure that columns number of Slist is equal to JointNum, * rows number of Slist 6 .The function call should be written as * FKinBody(...,(double *)Slist,...). *@waring: */ void FKinSpace ( double M [ 4 ][ 4 ], int JointNum , double * Slist , double * thetalist , double T [ 4 ][ 4 ]) { int i , j , k , l ; double se3mat [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double T2 [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double exp6 [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double V [ 6 ]; Matrix4Equal ( M , T ); for ( i = JointNum - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 6 ; l ++ ) { V [ l ] = Slist [ l * JointNum + i ]; //get each column of Slist. } VecTose3 ( V , se3mat ); for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++ ) { for ( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k ++ ) { se3mat [ j ][ k ] = se3mat [ j ][ k ] * thetalist [ i ]; } } MatrixExp6 ( se3mat , exp6 ); Matrix4Mult ( exp6 , T , T2 ); Matrix4Equal ( T2 , T ); } return ; } /** *@brief Description:Computes the end-effector frame given the zero position of the end-effector M, * the list of joint screws Blist expressed in the end-effector frame, and the list of joint values thetalist. *@param[in] M the zero position of the end-effector expressed in the end-effector frame. *@param[in] JointNum the number of joints. *@param[in] Blist the list of joint screws Slist expressed in the end-effector frame. * in the format of a matrix with the screw axes as the column. *@param[in] thetalist the list of joint values. *@param[out] T the end-effector frame expressed in the end-effector frame. *@return No return value. *@note: when Blist is a matrix ,make sure that columns number of Slist is equal to JointNum, * rows number of Slist 6 .The function call should be written as * FKinBody(...,(double *)Blist,...). *@waring: */ void FKinBody ( double M [ 4 ][ 4 ], int JointNum , double * Blist , double thetalist [], double T [ 4 ][ 4 ]) { int i , j , k , l ; double se3mat [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double T2 [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double exp6 [ 4 ][ 4 ]; double V [ 6 ]; Matrix4Equal ( M , T ); for ( i = 0 ; i < JointNum ; i ++ ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 6 ; l ++ ) { V [ l ] = Blist [ l * JointNum + i ]; //get each column of Slist. } VecTose3 ( V , se3mat ); for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++ ) { for ( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k ++ ) { se3mat [ j ][ k ] = se3mat [ j ][ k ] * thetalist [ i ]; } } MatrixExp6 ( se3mat , exp6 ); Matrix4Mult ( T , exp6 , T2 ); Matrix4Equal ( T2 , T ); } return ; }


    Kenvin M. Lynch , Frank C. Park, Modern Robotics Mechanics,Planning , and Control. May 3, 2017