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丹麥極簡 | David Thulstrup

設計師David Thulstrup在美國加州的一個酒莊真內親自設計了不一樣的風格特點,讓整個空間變得更加休閑自然,不一樣的室內空間,再加上不同的藝術作品,讓整個空間變得更加精致奢華大氣。

Designer David Thulstrup personally designed a different style characteristics in a winery in California, USA, making the whole space more casual and natural, with different indoor space, coupled with different works of art, making the whole space more delicate and luxurious atmosphere.


The designer chooses a large area of French window in the hall part, to meet the lighting needs of the whole space, plus the design of rattan noodles, and shows the nature in the whole space, the large area of sunshine is sprinkled on the teng edge, so that the whole space becomes more leisure and warm.


Designer wants to achieve tonal unity among all space, chose the log material of large area so, let whole space becomes more simple, the dining table that uses log material highlights the natural and warmth in whole space, also shows different natural flavor.


In the expanded lobby, designers let a large area of sunshine into the interior, so that the whole space is full of sunshine into the plants outside the window can enjoy the natural flavor of people as if living in nature.


The designer showed different decorative painting on the wall, the collision of black and white color collide with each other, let the whole space become more contracted, added artistic atmosphere again.

About. David Thulstrup

David Thulstrup於2009年在哥本哈根建立了屬於自己的建築工作室,這位建築師David喜歡用自己的設計風格來代替自己的想法,並且一直向往極簡的設計理念經,在他設計的所有專案當中,他一直考慮著細節變化,他認為,所有的細節更能夠突出自己的想法。

David Thulstrup founded his own architectural studio in Copenhagen in 2009. The architect David likes to replace his design style and has always been longing for a minimalist design concept. Among all the projects he designed, he has always considered detail changes, and he believes that all the details can highlight his own ideas.


Peter_S House

David_S Apartment