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Leap Motion 的原理是什麽?


這個問題在Quora上有過討論,也算是我本行接觸很多的技術。基本上,leap motion的主要原理是使用紅外LED+灰階camera的方式才采集數據,並生成3D數據。

這樣的技術並不算新鮮,但Leap的優勢是在軟件方面,當然由於使用了紅外LED+灰階camera,成本也會更便宜一些。由於只處理手部的3D,不像現在Kinect需要生成全身skeleton, 復雜的depth資訊,Leap的執行效率自然也會高很多,對處理圖形的DSP要求也不會特別高。




Hans Gerwitz

, underperforming consumer

10 votes by

David Lojudice Sobrinho


Mattias Petter Johansson


Waldir Pimenta



Engadget's hands-on review included this:

We asked both Holz, and Buckwald about the underlying technology that enables such high-fidelity controls, and were told that it's an optical system that tracks your fingers with infrared LEDs and cameras in a way unlike any other motion control tech.


This is pretty consistent with the form factor of the prototypes and pre-production models that have been shown. Also, Holz (the CTO who has developed the magic math that reportedly enables the Leap) previously worked on a NASA project that used camera data to determine atmospheric composition. Determining the difference between air and finger seems pretty trivial compared to finding methane in CO2.