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如果只是买些小玩意布置一下,动词就是 decorate ,名词是 decoration ,形容词是 decorative 。例句:This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility. 这种器皿中看不中用(或这个器皿只适用于装饰) (例句来源:百度翻译)

表示装修的动词还有很多,比如renovate, refurbish, retrofit。三者的区别不是特别大

renovate v. 房子的修复,翻新。 I spent thousands of dollars to renovate my house.

refurbish v. 再装修,翻新。The company spent thousands of dollars to refurbish the offices.

furbish v. 装修。给新买的/新租的房子买家具就是furbishment

retrofit v. 改型,添加房屋原来没有的设备。比如安装供暖设备就是 retrofit heating system, 安装墙身保温就是 retrofit wall insulation, 安装双层玻璃窗 retrofit double-glazing。retrofit这里基本可以被install替代掉。
