当前位置: 华文问答 > 旅行



1. 在机场

  • "Where can I check in for my flight to [destination]?" - 我在哪里可以为飞往[目的地]的航班办理登机手续?
  • "Is this the gate for flight [flight number]?" - 这是飞往[航班号]的登机口吗?
  • "How do I get to the baggage claim area?" - 我怎样去行李领取区?
  • 2. 乘坐交通工具

  • "Can you show me on the map how to get to [location] by subway?" - 你能在地图上给我指示怎么乘地铁去[地点]吗?
  • "Is there a day pass for the public transportation?" - 公共交通有没有日票?
  • "How often does the train/bus to [destination] run?" - 去[目的地]的火车/公交车多久一班?
  • 3. 在酒店

  • "I have a reservation under the name [name]." - 我预订了一个名字是[name]的房间。
  • "Can I request a room with a view of [specific view]?" - 我可以要求一个有[特定景观]的房间吗?
  • "Is breakfast included in my room rate?" - 我的房费包括早餐吗?
  • 4. 在餐厅

  • "Could you suggest a dish that's popular among locals?" - 你能推荐一道当地人喜欢的菜吗?
  • "I'm vegetarian. What do you recommend?" - 我是素食者。你有什么推荐吗?
  • "Can we have the bill, please?" - 我们可以结账了吗?
  • 5. 购物与探索

  • "Do you accept credit cards or is it cash only?" - 你们接受信用卡吗还是只收现金?
  • "Can you recommend a local market or shopping area?" - 你能推荐一个当地的市场或购物区吗?
  • "Are there any guided tours available for [specific site]?" - 有没有针对[特定地点]的导游服务?
  • 6. 求助与紧急情况

  • "I've lost my passport. What should I do?" - 我的护照丢了。我该怎么办?
  • "Could you help me find a nearby pharmacy?" - 你能帮我找到附近的药店吗?
  • "I need to contact the embassy. Can you direct me to the nearest one?" - 我需要联系大使馆。你能指引我到最近的一家吗?