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AI 可以破解人类的多巴胺奖励系统吗?



想要达到字面意义上的「破解」效果(分析解释、解除、取得控制与修改权限等)并让人满意,需要进行大量实验。这涉及 用摄像录音设备、调查表和体内外的传感器收集用户的大量生理与心理信息,使用磁脉冲照射、超声波照射、侵入式电极放电等手段影响用户的脑活动 ,需要建立、健全相关的法律法规和监督管理。

  • 磁脉冲照射可在脑组织中引起微电流,这微电流可以激活神经细胞 [1] ,人已经用磁脉冲照射影响过许多实验动物和人的行为。
  • 经颅静磁场刺激可以降低人运动皮层的兴奋性 [2] [3] [4] 并暂时改变皮质内抑制系统的活动 [5] [6] 。在视觉皮层、顶叶皮层、前额叶皮层等处进行静磁场刺激或磁脉冲照射可以改变人的行为 [7] [8] [9]
  • 对前额叶的特定部位进行超声波照射 [10] 或侵入式电极放电,可以干预实验对象(猕猴)的决策行为,在实验所用的照射强度下成功率约 67%,此类设备可能用来治疗人的毒瘾、抑郁、肢体颤抖等。
  • 可以从人工智能参与的动物实验开始,在灵长类实验动物身上达到让人满意的安全性和效果后,再开展临床试验。











    1. ^ Bingshuo Li, Juha P Virtanen, Axel Oeltermann, Cornelius Schwarz, Martin A Giese, Ulf Ziemann, Alia Benali. Lifting the veil on the dynamics of neuronal activities evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. eLife, 2017; 6 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.30552
    2. ^ Oliviero, A., Mordillo-Mateos, L., Arias, P., Panyavin, I., Foffani, G., and Aguilar, J. (2011). Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the human motor cortex. J. Physiol. 589, 4949–4958. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2011.211953
    3. ^ Silbert, B. I., Pevcic, D. D., Patterson, H. I., Windnagel, K. A., and Thickbroom, G. W. (2013). Inverse correlation between resting motor threshold and corticomotor excitability after static magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex. Brain Stimul. 6, 817–820. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2013.03.007
    4. ^ Arias, P., Adán-Arcay, L., Puerta-Catoira, B., Madrid, A., and Cudeiro, J. (2017). Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of M1 reduces corticospinal excitability without distorting sensorimotor integration in humans. Brain Stimul. 10, 340–342. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.002
    5. ^ Nojima, I., Koganemaru, S., Fukuyama, H., and Mima, T. (2015). Static magnetic field can transiently alter the human intracortical inhibitory system. Clin. Neurophysiol. 126, 2314–2319. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.01.030
    6. ^ Dileone, M., Mordillo-Mateos, L., Oliviero, A., and Foffani, G. (2018). Long-lasting effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation on motor cortex excitability. Brain Stimul. 11, 676–688. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.02.005
    7. ^ Gonzalez-Rosa, J. J., Soto-Leon, V., Real, P., Carrasco-Lopez, C., Foffani, G., Strange, B. A., et al. (2015). Static magnetic field stimulation over the visual cortex increases alpha oscillations and slows visual search in humans. J. Neurosci. 35, 9182–9193. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4232-14.2015
    8. ^ Aguila, J., Cudeiro, J., and Rivadulla, C. (2016). Effects of Static magnetic fields on the visual cortex: reversible visual deficits and reduction of neuronal activity. Cereb. Cortex 26, 628–638. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu228
    9. ^ Carrasco-López, C., Soto-León, V., Céspedes, V., Profice, P., Strange, B. A., Foffani, G., et al. (2017). Static magnetic field stimulation over parietal cortex enhances somatosensory detection in humans. J. Neurosci. 37, 3840–3847. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2123-16.2017
    10. ^ Remote, brain region–specific control of choice behavior with ultrasonic waves View ORCID ProfileJan Kubanek1,*, Julian Brown2, View ORCID ProfilePatrick Ye3, Kim Butts Pauly3, View ORCID ProfileTirin Moore2 and View ORCID ProfileWilliam Newsome2 See all authors and affiliations Science Advances 20 May 2020: Vol. 6, no. 21, eaaz4193 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4193