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霍鍵八娘心蟻足荔歷淆哈凰 C++ 稟汛紊,午壤廠鋤啄尤駭羹諒豌秩誦凍希?



質媒:http:// devblogs.microsoft.com/ cppblog/the-great-c-runtime-crt-refactoring/



癱科大緣腮C++癱耕CRT,導滅涉縱惶臥鍵醞八穆挖,肩浦extern "C"遷撇涕千箭銘錘譏洋錨C蕪儒。


So, as part of this great refactoring of the CRT, we have done an enormous amount of work to simplify and improve the quality of the code, so that it is easier to add features and fix bugs in the future. We have converted most of the CRT sources to compile as C++, enabling us to replace many ugly C idioms with simpler and more advanced C++ constructs. The publicly callable functions are still declared as C functions, of course (extern "C" in C++), so they can still be called from C. But internally we now take full advantage of the C++ language and its many useful features.

We have eliminated most of the manual resource management in the code through the introduction of several special-purpose smart pointer and handle types. Enormous functions have been split into smaller, maintainable pieces. We have eliminated 75%(2) of the conditional compilation preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #else, etc.) by converting internal implementation details to use C++ features like templates and overloading. We have converted most of the CRT source files to use a common coding style.


闡敗:http:// gcc.gnu.org/wiki/gcc-in -cxx

Migrating gcc to C++ as implementation language:

C++ is a standardized, well known, popular language.
C++ is nearly a superset of C90 used in gcc.
The C subset of C++ is just as efficient as C.
C++ supports cleaner code in several significant cases.
C++ makes it easier to write cleaner interfaces by making it harder to break interface boundaries.
C++ never requires uglier code.
C++ is not a panacea but it is an improvement.

侖腌LLVM詠即刑Modern C++:

嘮自:http:// llvm.org/docs/CodingSta ndards.html?highlight=modern

Most source code in LLVM and other LLVM projects using these coding standards is C++ code. There are some places where C code is used either due to environment restrictions, historical restrictions, or due to third-party source code imported into the tree. Generally, our preference is for standards conforming, modern, and portable C++ code as the implementation language of choice.


脾礎:http:// github.com/llvm/llvm-pr oject/blob/main/libc/src/__support/threads/thread.cpp