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是大衛芬奇的。參見IMDb上關於fight club的FAQ,愛德華諾頓笑稱大衛芬奇在他自己的每部電影都有出鏡。

I've heard that Brad Pitt's penis is seen in the film. Is this correct?
No. Upon the release of the movie, a rumor began to circulate that the penis at the end of the film was in fact that of actor Brad Pitt. However, this was nothing more than a rumor. As Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls mention on their DVD commentary, the penis belongs to someone else entirely (although they have no idea who). Regarding the casting process for the single frame, Edward Norton humorously states in his commentary track that " David Fincher appears in all his own films ."


Fight Club (1999)