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Diagnosing prostate cancer is easy. Perhaps too easy. If a blood test finds that you have high levels of a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA), you will probably be sent down a pathway that terminates in surgery. But PSA levels provide imperfect information—they can be high in healthy men. And in many cases the cancer remains harmless. Meanwhile, aggressive treatment can make men incontinent and impotent.

But artificial intelligence has brought some clarity. As recently reported in Cell Genomics, a journal, a trained neural network was fed genomic data from the prostate tumours of 159 men. The AI’s conclusion was startling: prostate cancer comes in two quite different varieties. Most tumours are of the relatively benign 「canonical」 variety. It is genetically distinct from the more aggressive 「alternative」 cancer. Men with the latter strain have worse prognoses. By figuring out which patients have which sort of cancer, the AI can help identify who really needs treatment.


  • prostate cancer : /ˈprɒstət ˈkænsər/ n. - 前列腺癌
  • incontinent : /ɪnˈkɒntɪnənt/ adj. - 失禁的
  • impotent : /ˈɪmpətənt/ adj. - 无力的,性无能的
  • neural network : /ˈnjʊərəl ˈnɛtwɜːrk/ n. - 神经网络
  • genomic data : /dʒɪˈnoʊmɪk ˈdeɪtə/ n. - 基因组数据
  • startling : /ˈstɑːrtlɪŋ/ adj. - 令人吃惊的
  • canonical : /kəˈnɒnɪkəl/ adj. - 标准的,权威的
  • genetically distinct : /dʒəˈnɛtɪkli dɪˈstɪŋkt/ adj. - 基因上有明显差异的
  • aggressive : /əˈɡrɛsɪv/ adj. - 侵略性的
  • prognoses : /prɒɡˈnoʊsiːz/ n. - (对病情的)预断,预后
  • figure out : /ˈfɪɡjər aʊt/ v. - 弄清楚
  • 概括



    prostate-specific antigen (PSA) : 一种与前列腺健康密切相关的蛋白质,通常用于前列腺癌的筛查。PSA水平的测定是前列腺健康检查中的一个重要方面,但这一指标并非完美,因为高PSA水平并不总是意味着癌症。

    be sent down a pathway : 这个短语通常用于描述某人被引导走上特定的过程或经历。这里指患者根据检测结果被推荐进行一系列医疗步骤,可能最终导致手术或其他治疗。例句:If preliminary tests are positive, patients might be sent down a pathway of more intensive diagnostic procedures.(如果初步测试结果是阳性的,患者可能会被引导进行更深入的诊断程序。)

    imperfect information : 指信息的不完整性或不精确性,这在医学决策过程中是一个常见挑战。例句:In the stock market, investors often have to make decisions based on imperfect information .(在股票市场上,投资者常常需要基于不完美的信息做出决策。)

    come in : 在这里指的是事物出现或存在的方式,常用来描述不同类别或变体的存在。例句:In terms of solutions, options come in various forms, each with its advantages and drawbacks.(就解决方案而言,选项有各种形式,每种都有其优点和缺点。)

    genetically distinct : 指基因组成或特征有明显区别。在文章中指两种不同类型的前列腺癌之间的基因差异。例句:The two species are genetically distinct , which explains their differing physical characteristics and behaviors.(这两个物种在基因上有明显的区别,这解释了它们不同的物理特征和行为。)

    prognosis : (复数形式prognoses)「预后」,这个医学术语指的是对患者疾病发展的未来走向、恢复的可能性以及未来健康状态的科学性预测。它通常基于大量病例统计、个体病情的具体分析以及多种相关因素的综合评估。预后并不是对疾病结果的确定判断,而是一种概率性的评估,它可以帮助患者和医疗团队了解疾病可能的发展方向,从而制定合适的治疗计划和准备相应的应对措施。

    figure out : 解决问题或理解复杂情况的过程。在这里指的是确定患者具体患有哪种类型的癌症。例句:After weeks of research, the team is finally figuring out how to improve the efficiency of the process.(经过数周的研究,团队终于弄明白了如何提高过程的效率。)


    诊断前列腺癌很容易。也许太容易了。如果验血发现你体内的前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)蛋白水平较高,你很可能会被送往手术室接受治疗。但 PSA 水平提供的信息并不完善——健康男性的 PSA 水平也可能偏高。而且在很多情况下,癌症仍然是无害的。与此同时,激进的治疗会使男性大小便失禁和阳痿。

    不过,人工智能已经提供了更清晰的答案。最近,【细胞基因组学】杂志报道,一个训练有素的神经网络从 159 名男性的前列腺肿瘤中获取了基因组数据。人工智能得出的结论令人震惊:前列腺癌有两种截然不同的类型。大多数肿瘤属于相对良性的「典型」类型。它与更具侵袭性的「非典型」癌症在基因上截然不同。患有后一种癌症的男性预后较差。通过找出哪些病人患有哪种癌症,人工智能可以帮助确定哪些人真正需要治疗。


    1. According to the passage, what is the main issue with relying solely on PSA levels for diagnosing prostate cancer?

    A. PSA levels can be inaccurate, leading to unnecessary treatment.

    B. PSA levels are not considered a reliable diagnostic tool.

    C. PSA levels are not correlated with the aggressiveness of prostate cancer.

    D. PSA levels are too difficult to measure accurately.

    2. What was the key finding of the AI's analysis of the genomic data?

    A. Prostate cancer can be classified into two distinct types based on genetic factors.

    B. Most prostate cancers are aggressive and require immediate treatment.

    C. The genomic data was not sufficient to make accurate conclusions.

    D. Prostate cancer is caused by a single genetic mutation.

    3. According to the passage, what is a potential benefit of the AI's classification of prostate cancer types?

    A. It could lead to more effective treatments for prostate cancer.

    B. It could reduce the need for aggressive treatment in some cases.

    C. It could improve the accuracy of PSA tests.

    D. It could identify new biomarkers for prostate cancer.

    4. The author's tone towards the current diagnostic methods for prostate cancer can best be described as:

    A. Optimistic

    B. Critical

    C. Neutral

    D. Dismissive

    5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

    A. The AI's findings contradict previous research on prostate cancer.

    B. The AI's analysis was based on a large dataset.

    C. The AI's classification system is widely accepted by medical professionals.

    D. The AI's analysis could lead to personalized treatment plans for prostate cancer patients.
