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Stellaris開發日誌#258 | 6/16 3.4.4版本號「仙王座」訊息


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Stellaris Dev Diary #258 - 3.4.4 'Cepheus' Information

Eladrin, Stellaris Game Director

Hi! Let's get straight to it!


The 3.4.4 'Cepheus' patch is planned to be released sometime next week if everything goes well. Here's a preliminary list of things that will be included.

如果一切順利,那麽3.4.4版本號 仙王座Cepheus 更新就會準備在下周的某個時間推出。以下是更新內容的預覽清單。

##### VERSION 3.4.4 #####

# Improvements
# 改進

- Automated Exploration and Automated Research are now available from the start of the game rather than being tech-locked.
- 現在自動探索以及自動研究在遊戲開局時即可使用,而不再需要使用科技解鎖。

- Construction ships now have an Automated Construction mode, which will automatically build Research and Mining Stations over appropriate deposits. (It will not automatically build Observation Stations, Hyper Relays, or other constructions.)
- 工程船現在擁有自動建造模組,這使得工程船可以自動在合適的資源處建造研究站以及開采站。(但是這個功能不會自動建造觀測站,超空間中繼器或是其他建築。)

- Imperial Fiefdom changes
- 帝國封邑相關改動
-- The Imperial Fiefdom overlord is now barred from terms that allow it to join offensive wars of their subjects.
-- 帝國封邑的宗主國現在被禁止加入他們附庸的侵略戰爭。
-- Every member of the empire that does not start with the overlord nearby will start with a small overlord colony/outpost in the vicinity.
-- 帝國中的每一個未在宗主國附近生成的成員都會生成在附近宗主國的殖民地或是哨站中。
-- The overlord's empire will be connected by 'Derelict Gateways' that the overlord can use, but which become ruined once the civil war starts
-- 宗主國帝國會被一個可使用的「廢棄航路」所連線,但是這個超空間航路在一次內戰中被毀掉了。
-- Changed it so players can remain loyal to the overlord when the civil war begins, if they so wish. The AI will always go independent.
-- 一項改動使得玩家在內戰爆發時也能繼續保持對宗主國的忠誠,如果玩家願意的話。但是AI會繼續選擇獨立。

- Added Hydroponics Station designation for habitats. This designation removes 2 housing from Habitation Districts in exchange for adding 1 farmer jobs.
- 為居住站添加了水培站的規劃類別。這個規劃類別會將居住站區劃移除2個住房替換為1個農夫崗位。

- Planetary automation will now seek to clear blockers as soon as there is any need. It now uses the same formula as the indicator on the outliner: i.e. if it is limiting the number of districts OR if there are buildings that could be built by clearing the blockers OR if planet growth speed is reduced (previous behaviour was to only check the first of those).
- 行星自動化現在會自動清理地塊障礙。並且會使用與總覽中的指示器一樣的運作方式了。比如地塊障礙限制了區劃的數量或是清理障礙可以建造更多建築物或是地塊障礙影響了星球人口增速。(以前的運作行為只會檢查第一個問題)

- Made some clarifications for the Shroudwalkers, so it is clearer what asset you are getting from them and how the planet modifier works.
- 為虛境行者添加了一些說明,這樣玩家就能清楚地知道能從他們那裏得到什麽以及行星修正是怎樣的效果。

- Criminal pops no longer reduce the efficiency of criminal syndicate branch offices.
- 罪犯人口將不再降低犯罪集團分部的效率。

- Quantum Catapult event art image added
- 為量子彈弓事件添加了全新的藝術圖。

- Hyper Relay event art image added
- 為超空間中繼器事件添加了全新的藝術圖。

- New Overlord music track will now play in the main menu
- 現在主選單會播放全新的四海皆臣專屬音軌。

- Tooltip now mentions that setting up vassal resource sharing will prevent the affected resources from being traded in regular trade deals later
- 現在建立與附庸的資源共享時會出現提示文本,提示這會使得受影響的資源在之後無法進行交易。

- Empires created by releasing sectors or from status quo peace deals now have some starting resources to not immediately suffer deficits.
- 透過釋放星域或是維持現狀建立的帝國將會擁有一些初始資源以避免過快的陷入資源短缺。

- Clarified that Subjugation War Terms only apply to Vassals and Subsidiaries.
- 明確了要求臣服戰爭條款只能為附庸或是附屬公司使用。

- The tooltips for Resource Contribution terms now inform you that they block trade deals for the resources involved.
- 資源上繳協定的提示文本現在會告知玩家該協定會阻止相關資源的交易。

- The Reemployment Center holding now shows when the next zombie will be created.
- 再就業中心建築現在會顯示下一個喪屍會在何時生成。

- Spawning Pools and Progenitor Nests are now under the Pop Assembly building category.
- 產卵池以及始祖巢穴現在歸為人口組建建築類別。

- Added subjugation agreement caps of +1,000 / -10,000
- 為臣服協定增加了1000/-1000的可接受度。

- Refined the Teachers of the Shroud requirements tooltip.
- 完善了虛境導師的需求條件的提示文本。

- Clarified that Progenitor Hives can only release sectors if they do not have the devouring swarm civic.
- 明確了始祖蜂巢只能在未選擇噬殺蜂群國策的前提下釋放星域。

- Players will now be notified when their Overlord has built Holdings on their planet
- 現在當宗主國在玩家的星球上建造地產時,玩家會收到通知。

- Starbase Transit Hubs now also fulfill the necessary requirement for slaves or non-sapient robots to automatically migrate from planets in the system.
- 恒星基地的運輸樞紐模組現在會將滿足必要條件的奴隸或是非知性機器人從該星系的星球中自動遷移。

- The dividend event now specifies which enclave is paying its dues.
- 分紅事件現在會明確說明哪個傭兵城邦正在提供分紅。

- AI logic for voting on Free Migration has been adjusted to more strictly align with Xenophile/Xenophobe ethics
- AI關於自由移民投票的邏輯已經調整至更加符合其親外/排外思潮。

- AI 10 year voting cooldown extended to now apply to other diplo actions like declaring war etc
- AI的10年投票冷卻期已經被擴充套件到比如宣戰等其他的外交行動中。

- Clarified the tooltip for the Strip Mine decision.
- 明確了露天礦場決議的提示文本。

- Added a setting to Galaxy Setup that permits the disabling of L-Gates.
- 為星系設定添加了一個新的設定,允許玩家禁用L星門。

- Planetary Automation will now build pre-emptively if there are 0 jobs available on a planet or if there is an unemployed pop that can work a job from the suggested building. This should solve both the case where we shouldn't make specialist jobs for slaves but also allows us to preemptively build more jobs to allow for auto migration.
- 現在如果星球上只有0個可用崗位或是有一個失業人口可以在推薦的建築中工作的話,那麽行星自動化會提前進行建造。這應該可以解決將專家崗位安排給奴隸的問題,同時也可以讓我們提前為自動遷徙建立更多的崗位。

- Added an Upgrade module to the Planetary Automation such that players can now enable/disable automatically upgrading buildings on their planets
- 為行星自動化添加了一個升級模組,這樣玩家就可以選擇啟用或者禁用在他們的星球上建築的自動升級。

# Balance
# 平衡

- Ships now gain 5 exp per day in battle instead of 1.
- 艦船在作戰時,每日獲取經驗從1 點增加到5點。

- Doubled the base unity output of telepaths.
- 使通靈使崗位的基礎凝聚力產出翻倍。

- Unified effects for Citadel of Faith, Auto-Curating Vault and equivalent buildings.
- 統一了信念堡壘、自新博物館以及類似建築的產出效果。

- The Shroudwalkers have learned their lesson, and will no longer teach any Fanatic Purifiers about the Shroud. The Fanatic Purifiers will have to look for another origin now.
- 虛境行者現在已經吸取了教訓,將不再給種族潔癖者傳授虛境的知識。現在這些種族潔癖者將不得不選擇其他的起源了。

- Bulwark Battlewright aura now provides 0.25% hull regen per day.
- 戍邦戰匠光環選擇會提供0.25%的每日船體再生值。

- Bulwark Watch network effect no longer spawns too many armies. Instead it increases planetary stability by 5.
- 戍邦守望者網絡的效果選擇不再會生成過多的衛戍部隊。相反現在會給予行星5點穩定度。

- Being an overlord now imparts a -1000 penalty to diplomatic requests to be subjugated.
- 作為宗主國在面對要求臣服的外交要求時會獲得-1000的外交懲罰。

- The Ministry of Science and Vigil Command now have an empire limit of 1.
- 現在帝國可建造的科研部以及警戒指揮部上限為1。

- The upkeep of Overlord Beholder jobs now scale with the tier of the Bulwark subject (and thus the increase in the defensive platform cap).
- 現在宗主國監察官崗位的維護費會隨著戍邦的等級而變化(這同樣會增加防禦平台的容量)。

- Reworked the Ministry of Science holding. It no longer provides increased research speed for the overlord depending on the number of science ships in orbit of the subject's planet. Instead it now gives subject researchers (or calculators or brain drones) research output for the overlord, with an appropriate increase in upkeep.
- 重做了科研部地產建築。現在科研部將不再根據附庸星球軌域上的科研船數量來增加宗主國的科研速度。現在它會將附庸的研究人員(或是演算者或是腦部子個體)的科研值產出提供給宗主國,同時適當增加維護費。

- The Orbital Assembly Complex now increases the effects of modules built on the planet's orbital ring.
- 軌域裝配復合體現在會增加建造在星環上的模組產出。
-- Habitation Modules provide +0.5 building slots.
-- 居住模組現在會提供+0.5的建築槽。
-- Orbital Shipyards gain +1 Shipyard capacity.
-- 軌域船塢復合體現在會提供+1點的船塢容量。
-- Orbital Anchorages provide +2 Naval Capacity.
-- 軌域錨地現在會提供+2的海軍容量。
-- Planetary Defense Guns and Batteries support +1 Defensive Platforms.
-- 行星防禦炮以及行星防禦炮組會提供+1的防禦平台數量。

- Halved the hull and armor regen provided by Regenerative Hull Tissue, Nanite Repair System, Nanobot Cloud, Mercenaries, and Devouring Swarm. This will also affect the regeneration of leviathans and other entities that make use of these ship components.
- 將再生船體組織、納米修復系統、納米機器雲、僱用兵和吞噬蟲群提供的船體和護甲再生值減半。這也將影響星神獸和其他使用這些船部件的實體的船體與護甲再生。

- Retrofitting ships will no longer pay out the resources left over after the retrofit costs have been applied.
- 改裝船將不再給與套用改裝成本後剩余的資源。

- Effects that granted modifiers to ship upgrade costs have been replaced with other modifiers. It should no longer be possible to be in a situation where it is cheaper to build empty ships and then upgrade them than to build them correctly right away.
- 賦予艦船升級成本修正的效果已被其他修正取代。現在應該不太可能再出現建造空船然後升級它們比立即建造更便宜的情況。

- Significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to build Ion Cannons. Reduced the base cost and upkeep of Ion Cannons, but they are now affected by components.
- 大幅減少了建造離子炮台所需的時間。降低了離子炮台的基礎成本和維護費用,但它們現在受元件影響。

- Reduced weighting for clerks as pops seemed to really want to work as them instead of miners
- 減少職員崗位的權重,因為人口們比起礦工似乎更喜歡職員的崗位

- Merc dividends no longer give ships when the patron is near or above their naval cap.
- 當贊助人接近或超過其海軍上限時,僱用兵紅利不再給予船只。

- Moved bonus resource storage for silos from tech_global_production_strategy to tech_construction_templates
- 將資源倉庫提供的額外資源儲存容量從 tech_global_production_strategy 移至 tech_construction_templates

- If you declare a force ideology war on an empire, all non-gestalt overlords and subjects that are called into the war will also be subject to the force ideology effect.
- 如果你對一個帝國以強制推行意識形態為戰爭理由宣戰,所有參戰的非格式塔意識形態的宗主國和附庸也將受到強制推行意識形態的影響。

# Bugfixes
# Bug修復

- Fixed the notification message for forced approval of a negotiated agreement (due to lack of influence) saying the proposal was declined
- 修復了強制批準談判條約(由於缺乏影響力)時稱提案被拒絕的通知訊息,

- Fixed ETA not being displayed in the fleet view
- 修復了ETA未顯示在艦隊檢視中的問題

- Progenitor Hives can now lease fleets without them being debuffed
- 起源「始祖蜂巢」現在可以租用艦隊而不受減益

- AI will now no longer stop all colonisation during lategame crises. (Its instruction to not attempt to colonise and instead focus on war now expires in the midgame)
- AI 現在將不再在遊戲後期危機期間停止所有殖民行動。(AI關於停止殖民並專註於戰爭的指令現在會在遊戲中期結束)

- Khan should no longer be hostile to mercenaries.
- 可汗不再與僱用兵為敵對關系。

- Admirals no longer abandon their post on leased fleets.
- 海軍上將不再放棄在被租用艦隊中擔任的職務。

- Planetary automation will no longer seek to build gene clinics if you are a synthetically-ascended empire.
- 行星自動規劃將不會為采用機械飛升的帝國建立基因診所。

- Fixed issue where planetary automation would upgrade Necrophage Centers of Elevation (which is often undesirable as it may lead to you running out of necrophytes)
- 修復了行星自動建設會經常升級「擢升中心」的問題(這是不可取的,因為它會導致你嚴重缺乏死靈術士崗位)。

- Newly colonized planets will now have their planet automation turned on if they are in an automated sector
- 如果新的殖民地位於開啟了自動建設的星區內,那麽這個新殖民地也會自動建設。

- You can no longer build an orbital ring around a planet with a destroyed orbital ring.
- 不能再在擁有被摧毀的軌域環的星球上重新建造軌域環。

- When an orbital ring is destroyed, the planet owner gains ownership of the ruined ring immediately.
- 當一個星環基地被破壞時,行星所有者立即獲得損壞星環的所有權。

- Fixed broken tooltip for destroyed orbital rings.
- 修復了損壞星環基地的損壞提示。

- The Salvagers no longer introduce themselves to void dwelling empires as soon as they finish researching any technology.
- 一旦完成任何技術的研究,拾荒者將不再向虛空行者帝國自我介紹。

- Mercenary fleet contract can now be terminated after vassal has been integrated
- 現在可以在附庸整合後終止僱用兵艦隊的合約。

- Added localization for Imperial Fiefdom opinion modifiers.
- 增加了帝國封地關系修正的本地化。

- Traditions will now be properly transferred to vassals created from sectors
- 傳統現在將正確地轉移給從星區建立的附庸

- Fixed "Proceed" button in the vassal agreement terms renegotiation menu sometimes being inactive
- 修復了附庸協定條款重新談判選單中的「繼續」按鈕有時處於非活動狀態的問題。

- Fixed template with an unnamed flag causing issues with game loading
- 修復了帶有未命名標誌的樣版導致遊戲載入問題。

- Fixed modifying a species (via the species modification interface) applying default species rights instead of the rights of the species you were modifying (particularly painful if default rights were assimilation)
- 修復了修改物種(透過物種修改界面)套用預設物種權利而不是當前正在修改的物種的權利(如果預設權利被修改成同化會帶來特別痛苦的遊戲體驗)。

- Fixed possibility to set gender specific ruler titles, for example King and Queen
- 修正了設定特定統治者頭銜隨性別變化的可能性,例如國王和王後。

- Fix some issues with display of leader names
- 修復領導者姓名顯示的一些問題。

- Corrected 「Message in the Canopy」 archaeology site outcome options
- 更正了「樹冠中的資訊」考古遺址結果選項。

- Vassal loyalty tooltip in subjugation view now includes full breakdown information
- 附庸檢視中的附庸忠誠度的提示文本現在包含完整的分解資訊。

- Fixed relay network modifiers being removed after specialist vassal levels up
- 修復了中繼網絡修正在專家附庸升級後被移除的問題。

- Fixed missing localization in mercenary admiral tooltip
- 修復了僱用兵海軍上將的提示文本中缺少的本地化問題

- You can no longer declare wars of vassalisation against Inward Perfectionists.
- 你不能再向擁有內聖之道國民理念的帝國以要求附庸為理由宣戰。

- You cannot use a secret fealty wargoal if you are at war with the overlord of the empire that has sworn fealty to you.
- 如果你與宣誓效忠於你的帝國的宗主交戰,你不能使用秘密宣誓效忠的戰爭目標。

- Medium Crystal Plating no longer displays the tooltip for the Bulwark Battlewright.
- 中型水晶鍍層不再顯示戍邦戰鬥工程船的提示文本。

- Expel Corporation wars now close branch offices on your planets and those of your subjects belonging to the targeted MegaCorp
- 驅逐公司戰爭現在會關閉你以及你附庸星球上屬於目標巨企的分公司。

- The Manifesti faction now use their faction icon.
- 宣泄派現在有他們自己的派系圖示。

- Pacifier colossus weapon can now target machine and hive worlds.
- 安樂天使巨像武器現在可以以機器和蜂巢世界為目標。

- The Traditionalist faction in empires with the Teachers of the Shroud origin now approves of following the teachings of the Shroudwalkers.
- 具有虛境導師起源的帝國中的傳統主義派系現在贊成遵循虛境行者的教義。

- Changed Subjugation War Terms to no longer apply invalid terms for Subsidiaries (such as integration allowed).
- 更改了征服戰爭條約,使其不再適用於附屬公司的無效條款(例如允許整合)。

- Become the Crisis Bring into the Fold wargoal now respects your subjugation policy.
- 化身天災中收入彀中的戰爭目標現在與你的征服政策一致。

- Become the Crisis Bring into the Fold wargoal now causes subjugated empires to become subsidiaries if the BtC empire is a megacorp
- 如果使用化身天災的收入彀中戰爭理由對巨企帝國宣戰,目標巨企現在會成為宣戰方附屬公司

- Empires that are Brought into the Fold by a Scion now correctly convert to the Scion preset (as do their subjects)
- 被先輩子弟收入彀中的帝國將會正確地被轉化為先輩子弟。

- Subjects are now informed that they have a -50% penalty to diplomatic weight.
- 附庸現在會被告知他們的外交權重受到-50%的懲罰。

- Subjects that bounce between vassal/subsidiary and protectorate states should now correctly gain the protectorate bonuses whenever they become a protectorate.
- 在附庸國和保護國之間反彈的臣民現在應該在成為保護國時正確地獲得保護國增益。

- The Khan no longer counts as a Satrapy and thus can invade planets.
- 可汗不再算作轄地,因此可以入侵行星。

- Subsidiaries created via subjugation war now inherit the base subsidiary agreement restrictions
- 透過征服戰爭建立的子公司現在繼承基礎子公司的協定限制。

- Fixed slave armies not being trainable.
- 修復奴隸軍隊不可訓練的問題。

- Splitting Imperial Fiefdom Overlord can no longer cause systems with shared ownership of planets
- 分裂帝國封地的宗主國不再導致星系共享行星所有權。

- Hive-minds that reform into having the Memorialist civic no longer need to restart the game to build galactic memorials.
- 改造為擁有紀念主義國民理念的蜂巢思維不再需要重新啟動遊戲來建造銀河紀念館。

- Mercenary Captains no longer display localisation keys.
- 僱用兵隊長不再顯示本地化提示。

- Fixed the tooltip for the tier 3 orbital ring requesting the wrong capital building.
- 修正了3級軌域環請求錯誤的首都建設的提示資訊。

- Implemented the Subterranean Nation modifier directly into the origin so any empire that inherits the origin will gain the modifiers.
- 將地底人國家的修正直接套用到起源中,因此任何繼承起源的帝國都將獲得修正。

- Subterranean/Mantle Dwellers now correctly have the Cave Dweller trait.
- 地下/地幔居民現在正確地具有地底人特征。

- Fixed Terravores claiming that they could build Organic Sanctuary holdings.
- 修正了噬巖者聲稱他們可以建造有機庇護所的問題。

- The tooltip for Habitat Administration buildings now lists the effects of colonist jobs for Void Dwellers.
- 居住站管理建築的提示文本現在列出了虛空居民的殖民者工作的影響。

- The job description of colonists now states that they can provide minerals instead of food.
- 殖民者的崗位描述現在表明他們可以提供礦物而不是食物。

- Fixed megacorps creating more megacorps from wars in some cases where the origins of the newly created empires weren't set correctly.
- 修正了某些情況下,巨企在和談中創造新的巨企時,新創造的巨企起源不正確的問題。

- Signs of the Locus now checks for the correct diplomatic stance. In addition, it now checks your border policy as well.
- 星際集會:基座的所顯示的圖示現在會正確地考慮你的外交姿態。此外,現在也會將邊界政策納入考量(指紅色和白色的顏色切換)

- Strongholds no longer benefit from Resistance is Frugal
- 要塞不再從防禦廉價中獲益。

- Borderless Authority and Personal Oversight correctly increase the number of subject holdings overlords can build.
- 「無界權威機構」和「個人失察」現在能正確地增加宗主國可以建造的附庸地產數量了

- Fixed "Shroud Stench" planetary modifier lacking an icon
- 修正了「虛境惡臭」行星特性缺少的圖示。

- Updated tooltip for how to unlock branch office buildings.
- 更新了如何解鎖分公司建築的提示框。

- Resized and moved the upgrade button for orbital rings.
- 對星環基地的升級按鈕的大小和位置做了調整。

- Fixed a tooltip in the Situations interface showing erroneous information ("outcome in -65 months") if the Situation was ticking down
- 修正了局勢日誌的時候情報日誌界面中顯示錯誤資訊(「於-65月後完成」)的問題。

- Fixed some issues with the setup of the starting Ring World in advanced AI empires
- 修正了高級AI帝國環開的一些初始設定。

- Fixed Gestalt Empire Governors Skill tooltips saying Crime instead of Deviancy
- 修正了格式塔帝國總督技能提示框顯示為犯罪度而不是反常值的問題。

- Fixed incorrect description string variable in the "Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal"
- 修正了「納米災疫」中錯誤的描述字串變量。

- Fixed Emergency Election button showing two Unity symbols
- 修正了緊急選舉按鈕顯示兩個凝聚力圖示的bug。

- Admirals no longer abandon their post on leased fleets.
- 艦隊司令不會再拋棄租賃艦隊上的職位了。

- Mercenary armies now properly spawn at the client capital.
- 傭兵陸軍現在會產生在客戶的首都上。

- Pressing ESC during mercenary diplomacy should now bring you back to the main menu or close the diplomacy window.
- 現在,當與傭兵城邦進行外交時按下ESC會回到主選單或者關閉外交視窗。

- Tactical advice against the gray tempest is only available when the gray tempest is triggered, not just when the L Cluster is opened.
- 不像之前開啟L星門時就會出現,現在只有灰蠱艦隊觸發時,對灰蠱艦隊的戰術建議才可用。

- Patrons can no longer recall fleets that they themselves are hiring.
- 傭兵艦隊的贊助人不再能召回自己正僱用的自己贊助的艦隊。

- Mercenary admirals now have suitable loc for their profession.
- 傭兵艦隊司令的特長現在有了合適的本地化文本。

- Fixed some cases where our tooltip system would unnecessarily generate "all of the following must be true" (when there was only one condition)
- 修正了有些情況下提示框中出現不必要的「滿足以下所有條件」(實際上只列了一個條件)。

- Fixed incomplete information about what Telepaths do when looking at buildings that provide them
- 修正了檢視提供靈能使崗位的建築時關於靈能使做什麽的不完整資訊。

- Mercenary Enclaves are no longer listed as Honorbound Warriors in the contacts list.
- 傭兵城邦不再在通訊列表中寫作「榮耀戰士」。

- Fixed incorrect tooltip when scrapping robots during the alloy deficit situation
- 修正了合金赤字狀況發生時報廢機器人時錯誤的提示框。

- Fixed the message response icon on diplomatic notifications blocking click input on the lower half of the notification.
- 修正了外交通知上的資訊回復圖示擋住通知下半邊滑鼠點選輸入的問題。

- The No Holding text in the agreements tab is now yellow instead of placeholder pink.
- 協定頁面中的無地產文本現在不是占位用的粉色而是黃色的了。

- If you don't use Consumer Goods and conquer a planet with factories on it, they will be removed
- 如果你不使用消費品而攻占的行星上有消費品工廠的話,該工廠會被移除。

- Fix missing prescripted empires' leaders' names
- 修正了預設帝國「領袖」名字遺失的問題。

- Fixed ship building buttons in Mega Shipyard view being cut off
- 修正了巨型船塢中建造艦船按鈕被截斷的問題。

- You can no longer force ideology on gestalt empires by declaring on their subjects.
- 不能再透過宣稱他們附庸的方式來強制對格式塔帝國發動意識形態借口的戰爭。

- Fixed issue when some of the modifiers of modules didn't apply to the Starbase.
- 修正了模組的某些修正不適用於恒星基地的問題。

- Fixed Insidious Ophidians event chain accidentally removing the "Poor Quality Minerals" permanent planetary modifier
- 修正了「陰險的蛇」事件鏈會意外移除「低品礦物」永久行星特性的問題。

- The Traditionalist faction in empires with the Teachers of the Shroud origin now approves of following the teachings of the Shroudwalkers.
- 虛境導師起源的帝國中的傳統派(唯心主義派系)現在贊成跟隨虛境天師的教導。

- Fixed a case where specialist subjects leveling up could end up disabling relay network effects.
- 修正了唯心主義的附庸升級時可能導致超空間中繼網絡不可用的情形。

- The Spiritualist Fallen Empire has figured out what Star Eaters are and will now Awaken if you use one to blow up one of their holy worlds.
- 唯心墮落帝國(聖地守護者)現在知曉了焚天神兵是什麽。如果你用焚天神兵炸了他們的聖地,他們會即刻覺醒。

- Namelists Hive Mind 1 and Hive Mind 2 now feature names unique to each ship size (Corvette, Destroyer, etc.).
- 命名組蜂巢1和蜂巢2現在會根據艦船大小(輕護、驅逐等)來適配命名了。

- Fixed new districts sometimes not appearing after the Superfluous Terraforming Equipment event
- 修正了「富余的地貌改造器材」事件後,新的區劃可能未出現的問題。

- No longer possible for Overlords to transfer more science than they generate to their subjects
- 宗主補貼給附庸的科研點不再能超過宗主本身的產出。

- Admiral bonuses are now correctly displayed in the ship details
- 艦隊司令的加成現在會正確地顯示在艦船詳情中了

- Fixed Mega Shipyards not being able to produce after being taken over through subject integration
- 修正了透過整合附庸接手而來的巨型船塢不能正常生產艦船的問題。

# Game Stability related fixes and changes:
# 遊戲穩定性的修正與更新

- Fixed multiplayer out of sync due to FLEET_ORDERS
- 修正了FLEET_ORDERS導致的多人遊戲失去同步。

- Fixed crash occurring when viewing a system destroyed by a star eater that contained a quantum catapult and simultaneously opening load menu
- 修正了用焚天神兵摧毀一個帶量子彈弓的星系的同時開啟裝載選單時遊戲崩潰的問題。

- Fixed crash due to invalid-read CQuantumCatapultFleetOrderButton::IsValid
- 修正了非法讀取CQuantumCatapultFleetOrderButton::IsValid導致的崩潰。

- Fixed crash due to invalid-write CPlanet::RepairSavegameClearInvalidAndNullDeposits
- 修正了非法寫入CPlanet::RepairSavegameClearInvalidAndNullDeposits導致的崩潰。

- Fixed crash from having a subject with 0 empire size
- 修正了擁有一個帝國規模為0的附庸導致的崩潰。

# Modding
# 模組相關

- Overlord Holding buildings and Branch Office buildings now support empire_limit = { }
- 宗主地產類建築和巨企支部類建築現在支持變量empire_limit = { }

- Added is_human_species scripted trigger if you want additional portraits to be considered humans.
- 如果你想讓自己添加的頭像被視作人型生物,我們專門添加了is_human_species指令碼觸發器。

- Added on_fleet_lease_started/ended on_actions for more friendly mod compatibility
- 為了更好地相容模組添加了on_fleet_lease_started/ended on_actions

- Fixed load order issues with check_modifier_value
- 修正了check_modifier_value的載入順序問題

- Fixed localize_with_value_key and min_mult in scripted modifiers
- 修正了指令碼修飾詞中的localize_with_value_key 和min_mult

- Added GetOriginName localisation command (to clarify an error log)
- 添加了GetOriginName本地化指令(以使錯誤日誌更清楚)

- Added "has_subject = <country>" trigger to go with has_overlord
- 與has_overlord相匹配,添加了"has_subject = <country>"

- Greatly improved scope error logging for event targets and script values
- 大幅改善了事件目標和指令碼值的作用域錯誤的日誌記錄

##### Changelog Ends #####

Should the plans change I'll let you know immediately.


With that, I'm having the team move on to future releases and some of the things discussed in last week's dev diary. Barring unforeseen exceptional circumstances, our next update is planned to be the 3.5 'Fornax' update in the fall.

之後我會讓團隊繼續討論新版本和上周開發日誌中談及的一些內容。除非是遇到不可抗力因素,我們的下次更新將會是安排在秋季的3.5版本號「 天爐座Fornax 」更新

Dev diaries will resume sometime in August.


Happy summer!


3.4.4 Release Version Add-on


- Mercenary Captains no longer display unlocalized text.
- 傭兵隊長不再顯示非本地化的文字。

- Fixed missing prescripted empire leader names.
- 修復了缺失的預設帝國領袖名稱。

- Fixed multiplayer out of sync on the monthly tick after hotjoining (due to Situations, usually one or more of ECONOMY, POP_MODIFIERS, COUNTRY_RESOURCES or NUM_SITUATIONS)
- 修復了多人遊戲熱加入後,在每月結算中失去同步的問題(根據不同情況,通常影響ECONOMY、POP_MODIFIERS、COUNTRY_RESOURCES或NUM_SITUATIONS中的一個或多個)。

- Added on_starbase_disabled on action and stopped firing on_starbase_destroyed when a starbase is only disabled.
- 增加了on_starbase_disabled on action,並在僅在恒星基地被禁用時停止觸發on_starbase_destroyed。

3.4.5 Hotfix Patch Released


- Megacorps should no longer create rival Megacorps after winning an Impose Ideology war.
- 巨型企業不會再在贏得強制意識形態戰爭後創造敵對巨型企業、

- Fixed War Names sometimes being empty on the war pin tooltip.
- 修復了戰爭概覽提示框中的戰爭名字有時變空白的問題。

- Fixed Out of Sync upon hotjoining as an Overlord.
- 修復了作為宗主國熱加入遊戲時失去同步的問題。

- Fixed Out of Sync after triggering a revolt.
- 修復了當觸發叛亂時失去同步的問題。

轉譯:瘋狂的新兵 萊恩希德公爵 摸魚怪 Jepe qqqqyyy

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